Turin Contemporary Artist
Lea Ricci
Lea Ricci is a Contemporary Artist in Turin. Learn more about her and her love for art, here’s Lea in her own words…
I was born in Cesena, Italy but, at the age of 6 months, my parents returned to live in Turin, the city which I love because it has offered me many opportunities. Not only in terms of work, but also in terms of culture and meeting international society. I have had exhibitions in Italy and internationally. Currently, I live in the Province of Turin from where I can easily travel into Turin to participate in the many cultural and social events in the city. Contact with nature has also inspired me to write stories and poetry.
During my childhood, I was exposed to art and I always liked to draw. My teacher would always call me “the painter of the class”, which made me demure to this reference because of my shyness! This label is still very important to me, it had helped me to clear my mind in moments of trouble in my life and it gives me a great force of will and determination to continue pursuing art.
In one of my last personal exhibitions, at the Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Turin, I had a chance to introduce my new “Abstract Style”, which I entitled: “The Hidden Plots of Nature “. I was inspired by nature and by Greek philosophy. I executed these new paintings with oil paint and I used chromatic colors in harmony with my theme. I wanted to emphasize the hidden geometric plots of nature by sketching a repetitive filament, which visually could represent our past, our roots and the four molecules that represent the first principles:
AIR (Was) – WATER (Poseidon) – EARTH (Gea) – FIRE (Efesto)
How would you characterize your artistic style? My artistic styles run across the following themes: Figurative, Electronic, Electronic Romanticism (my personal style), Mixed technique and Informal Materico-abstract.
Which artists have influenced you? It depends on the period, but I have always desired to develop my own personal style, which would give me the possibility to express myself in an individual way.
I began my artistic career painting classic figurative: Michelangelo Buonarroti, Artemisia Gentileschi, Leonardo da Vinci. Afterwards, bucolic scenes of artists of the 1700’s. Subsequently, I became interested in Impressionist painters and especially Edgard Degas. Later, I liked Pablo Picasso. I admired the painter in his period of blue and pink. “Guernica” was exciting for me. The news of wars in the world had affected my sensitivity and I painted “Homage to Picasso.”
However, I really love the period of Lea Ricci. Yep! That’s right…my paintings. I visited scientific centers in North America. It was the time of “computer space”… I began to realize a personal style calling it “Electronic Style”. Obviously it was a style based on technological concepts but toned-down colors that do not create strong contrasts or ruptures, are like a message of peace, a peace achieved through the good use of science. The recurrence of certain signs and figurations are part of a difficult discourse which is also wise, imprisoned by the rigor of natural sciences, cosmographic, but only seemingly arid, the fruit of a great availability for formal means and a good knowledge of the use of the sign. I presented these my works both in Italy and abroad with good results from artistic critics and audiences.
I later created another style “Romanticism Electronic” most romantic of the previous “Style Electronic” (a very technical style).This style gave me many emotions like the face of a mother and child, flowers, travel and many other subjects. Now, I am at a stage where color is the primary value in my painting “Abstract” and everything revolves around many and varied colors.
How would you describe your art work? Energy and colors.
What suggestions can you give aspiring artists? Looking back at my experiences, I recommend to firmly believe in one’s desires and to consider that, with honesty and determination, art will always remain a sincere and faithful friend….the rest will come. Experiencing art is like being in synergy between land and sky. This force should be lived in joy and pain, between hatred and love…it gets into the mind and heart. Art becomes part of ourselves.
What’s your favorite quote: Today I write: “Who loves colors loves the beauty in the life.” Yesterday I wrote: “Life is as the color, from white to black.”
Click on images below to enjoy some of Lea’s artwork:
- Philosophical Wisdom painting
- Just Before the Big Bang
- The Power of Geometry
- Phantasm Agorical Magic
- Quality Primary Geometry
Visit Lea Ricci’s website for more about her and her artwork